Tuesday, 25 September 2012

10/9/2012 TAKEN MOVIE

Assalammualaikum dude! Today, my class is very awesome because Miss Zu had asked us to watch one movie, TAKEN. Do you all ever watched this movie? Okay, never mind if you never watch it before. I will story a little bit about this movie. Actually this movie is about Human Trafficking for Prostitution. The movie is about one family which their parents had been divorced and they have one daughter. I was very sad when I watched this movie as the daughter never appreciate her father's sacrifice even though her father willing to do anything just for her daughter's happiness and security. The climax started when her daughter had been kidnapped for prostitution. Her father had work hard for 2 days to save her beloved daughter and he also willing to kill many people just to ensure her daughter will not be sold to the irresponsible person. At last, he succeeds and brought her daughter back.

After finished with the movie, Miss Zu had asked us to write a discussion essay with the topic Human Trafficking for Prostitution by group. As usual, we need to divide our task to complete this essay because Miss Zu want us to present this essay in the front of the class by tomorrow in our laboratory class.

I will share with you all an example of my group's essay. Before that, I want apologize to Miss Zu for my mistake when we did this essay. As what Miss Zu said, I shouldn't did the mistakes because I had already expert for this essay because I did it for my term paper. Once again, I'm so sorry Miss. I promise, it won't happen again. Insyaallah. So, this is my group's essay. 
Let check it out ^_*        


Human trafficking is one of the global crimes and became the third crime global after drug trafficking and weapon crime. It involves forced labour, slavery, the beggar and the most critical issue that is woman trafficking for prostitution. In Malaysia, this case have become the hot issues, bombarded the society and the increasing rate of this crime may lead the anxious. How could this modern people suddenly think as easy as that and willing to trade people? Don’t they think of the person’s luck and their future if they become the victims? In fact, people tend to involve in this criminality because that is the only way for the trafficker to gain easy money, however, this case has globally proven that it will  not only bring violence towards the victims but as well as diseases especially towards the women who  have been trafficked.
Human trafficking is a lucrative industry in the world because it can generate higher profit. According to Patric (2005), claims that global annual profit of human trafficking was $31.6 billion. Based on the movie review, Taken, traffickers used women as a medium for them to generate income as the women had high value especially virgin women. They were sold over hundred million for those who were afforded to buy those women. The buyers are willing to buy the women with the higher price because those women still virgin. While for them which have no virgin, they will make them as a prostitute to increase their income. Furthermore, with the income that generated by trafficker, they can use the money to pay for the government servants so that they can get power from others and monopoly this activity. In this way, they can get the authority as well as domination compare to others. As a result, everyone will convergent on them and this is opportunity for them to gather more money. Hence, it is proven that human trafficking and prostitution will earn high income for the traffickers.
Whereas the traffickers can gain more profit by doing human trafficking, however it also give a bad impact towards the victims. As we know people that have potential to be the victims are children, men, and women. In Addition children and men they can force them to be a labour and women they used for prostitution. According to Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking state, the traffickers will use drug towards the victims to make them incautious and addicted to sex especially for women, so they can do their work properly without thinking anything else except to provide sex service to the costumer. Based on Taken movie (2008) there is one scene which Bryan met accidentally with a drugged woman in construction site Bryan saw, that woman has a jacket that belonged to his daughter and when he asked her ‘ where do you get this? ’ then the woman kept saying ‘I’m good’. This is the effect of overdose drug towards the victims as well as causing hallucination. At this point when the victims cannot think rationally, people will take advantage towards them. Thus its clearly state that human trafficking may give a bad impact towards the victims.
Human trafficking may give biased benefits toward traffickers. Nonetheless, it has proven statically that human trafficking just gives more negative impacts to the victims especially the violence among women. Based on Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking page claims that depression, suicidal thought and attempt, physical injuries and death are the consequence of the violence that will be affected the victims of human trafficking. Furthermore, it is portrayed in one scene of Taken movie (2008) whereby Amanda had been found to die tragically in brothel by Bryan Mill (Kim’s father). She was drugged overdose until lead to death. As we can see, there were a lot of bruises and wounds lied on her body. In certain case, majority of the victims is unable to get a proper treatment for their medication; this is because their access to health is totally restricted by traffickers. Due to this situation, when  the prostitution  activities still carried out without any obstacle the dissemination of sexual diseases such as HIV become more aggressive by sexual intercourse. This is because the victims are tied up with the fear or surveillance and expulsion from trafficker if they try to escape themselves from them.
In a nutshell, there is nothing else to be debated; indeed the reality that the trafficking gives lots of drawbacks rather than the betterments was evidenced. It is show clearly the trafficker tend to involve in this crime for gain more money easily. Although it is bring positive impact toward the trafficker, it will bring nuisance toward the victim. The victim may face some effect that not only bring violence victim but also make a disease especially toward the women that have been trafficked. It is shown that human will to anything that they want for their interest. Based on that, they are dare to do illegal activities such this trafficking to make the trafficker getting more powerful as well as to generate high income. Nevertheless, this will make the victim are treated of violence as prostitute unwillingness and based on that, the victim may get a transmitting disease. All of all, these activities are bring effect toward the victim as well as toward the family victim too.


Human trafficking (n.d), Retrieved September 10, 2012, from          http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_trafficking

Trafficking for sexual exploitation (n.d.) Retrieved September 11, 2012, from


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